February 2022
Senate approves ceding site-specific water pollution limit oversight, weakening some water quality standards – 2/1/2022, The Herald Dispatch
Bill weakening some water quality standards, ceding legislative review of site-specific human health criteria changes nears passage – 2/3/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
Federal appeals court hands Mountain Valley Pipeline opponents another win – 2/4/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
Biden plan to spend $725M to clean up abandoned coal mines – 2/7/2022, ABC News
Landowner, environmental groups push for bills to put more gas well inspectors into the field – 2/7/2022, The Dominion Post
West Virginia is allocated unprecedented amount to clean up abandoned mine lands – 2/8/2022, WV Metro News
WV House committee advances bill easing aboveground storage tank regulations – 2/9/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
WV House rejects preserving legislative review of site-specific human health criteria, green-lights raising allowable DDT concentration – 2/10/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
WV House sends rule weakening some water quality standards, ceding site-specific human health criteria change to Governor – 2/11/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
WV House changes bill to weaken oversight of oil and gas tanks closest to public water intakes – 2/14/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
WV House of Delegates approves bill exempting oil and gas tanks closest to public water intakes from independent inspection – 2/15/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
Justice signs into law environmental rules package that includes some weakening of some water quality standards – 2/21/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
Committee approves bills allowing DNR to enter into third-party recreation contracts at all state parks, forests – 2/22/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
WV Senate energy panel approves another bill to boost state oil and gas oversight as the first bill’s prospects dim – 2/25/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
WV House passes bill that would allow DNR to enter into third-party recreation contracts at all state parks and forests – 2/28/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
January 2022
Appalachian environmental groups urge Biden to name permanent head of federal mine cleanup agency – 1/3/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
Mountain Valley Pipeline opponents file legal challenge to key West Virginia water permit – 1/4/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
Mountain Valley Pipeline Faces New Legal Challenge in West Virginia – 1/14/2022, Blue Ridge Outdoors
‘It just ain’t right’: WV retired miners condemn Congress’ failure to restore tax behind black lung benefits – 1/15/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
Experts, legislators explore allowing advanced nuclear plants to come to West Virginia – 1/18/2022, The Dominion Post
Federal appeals court throws out Jefferson National Forest crossing approval for Mountain Valley Pipeline – 1/26/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
Court nixes permit of nearly complete $6.2B Mountain Valley Pipeline – 1/27/2022, Engineering News Record
Senate Judiciary panel approves ceding site-specific water pollution permit limit oversight – 1/27/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
Coal communities call for greater environmental protection as state lawmakers put off shoring up DEP funding – 1/29/2022, Charleston Gazette-Mail
December 2021
“Hey Joe” Delivers Musical Message to Manchin on Climate Change – 12/7/2021, Public News Service
State lawmaking panel approves ceding water pollution permit limit oversight, weakening some water quality standards – 12/9/2021, Charleston Gazette-Mail
Systemic, environmental injustices can be mitigated – 12/13/2021, The Register-Herald
West Virginia Rivers Coalition
3501 MacCorkle Ave SE #129
Charleston, WV 25304
Office: 304-637-7201