WV Watershed Groups: Free Peer Learning Sessions with River Network

WV Rivers Coalition invites all WV watershed groups and small environmental non-profits dedicated to water protection to an upcoming peer learning session with River Network.

Watershed groups depend heavily on volunteers, but many of you face challenges in recruiting and retaining the members you need for organizational success.

Together, we will review best management practices to recruit and retain volunteers; the importance of partnerships, data and people management, and proper infrastructure for building and sustaining a volunteer program; and how to steward your volunteers up the engagement pyramid to help you create committed leaders for your organization.

Brenna Groggin, the Leadership Development Manager with River Network, will provide a series of peer learning and mentorship opportunities as webinars or one-on-one coaching sessions to assist watershed groups in building capacity within their organization.

What: Peer Learning Sessions with River Network

When: Online Learning Session – Tuesday, April 28, 11-12pm

Please RSVP: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0oduuqpjwjH9ckbtI4-SPiyF7Dn4WcajPG

To take full advantage of this unique opportunity, please fill out this survey for your organization by noon on April 24https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DGDTPVK

The results of the survey will inform topics and future scheduling of the mentorship series.

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