Comment on the Water Quality Impacts of the TeMa Facility by December 7
Site of the TeMa Facility. Photo by
This December, the WVDEP is accepting comments on water quality permits for two industrial facilities in Jefferson County – TeMa and Rockwool. Comments on the TeMa facility’s NPDES permit are due December 7, and comments on the Rockwool NPDES permit are due December 23. This week, we’re sharing how you can comment on the TeMa permit. Stay tuned, we’ll share our fact sheet on the Rockwool permit soon!
The TeMa plant is located in the Burr Industrial Park and would produce insulation and drainage systems.
WV Rivers is concerned by the potential impacts the TeMa facility could have on drinking water. The facility would be constructed on karst topography and located near a number of drinking water sources. Because of these sensitive water resources, additional scrutiny of this facility and its potential impacts on water quality is warranted.
View our fact sheet and suggested comments here.
Submit your comments. WVDEP is accepting comments on the facility’s NPDEP permit through December 7. We made it easy for you to comment here.