Tell Legislators: Save My State Parks from Commercial Logging

Cerulean warblers are small songbirds that nest in the old forests of West Virginia. Over the past couple decades, cerulean warbler populations have declined by over 70%. If WV State Parks are opened for commercial timbering it would have a devastating impact on some species, like the cerulean warbler, who depend on West Virginia’s old forests. Photo by Melanie Underwood.

A bill that would lift an 80-year ban on commercial logging in West Virginia’s State Parks, Senate Bill 270, is now up for consideration by the West Virginia Legislature.

Contact your legislators and tell them you oppose opening West Virginia’s State Parks up for commercial logging.

Governor Justice and SB 270 supporters say the bill is necessary to pay for State Park maintenance, and that logging is good for forest health. While conservation-based forest management can benefit some wildlife habitat and forest ecosystems, SB 270 sets to undermine the ecological and recreational value of our state parks’ mature forests. SB 270 advances one objective – to harvest the highest quality and highest dollar timber from our State Parks – leaving behind smaller and less desirable trees. This type of timbering is not sustainable and it jeopardizes long-term forest health. Read our FAQ on SB 270 to learn more.

Stand up for your State Parks! Contact your legislators. Let them know that West Virginia’s State Parks are important to you and that you oppose commercial logging in your State Parks!

Click here to send a letter. Customize your letter and make a bigger impact! Let your legislators know why you visit West Virginia’s State Parks or share a favorite memory. Make it personal! 

For more information, check out the Save Our State Parks resources webpage, and email

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