Antero Landfill Public Hearing Next Monday, 5/1
Make Your Voice Heard – Antero Landfill Public Hearing Next Monday, 5/1
You have the opportunity to submit comments on the Antero landfill National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. This is an important permit that regulates stormwater discharges from the Antero landfill which will dispose of the salt generated at the Antero water treatment facility.
The WVDEP will be holding a public hearing on Antero’s NPDES permit on Monday, May 1, 2017.
What: Public Hearing on Antero Landfill’s NPDES Permit
When: Monday, May 1, 6:00pm
Where: Doddridge County Park, 1252 Snowbird Road, West Union, WV 26456
The proposed Antero landfill and wastewater treatment facility encompasses approximately 486 acres located in Doddridge and Ritchie Countie. As proposed, facility would treat fracking wastewater for re-use and dispose of the salt byproducts in the attached landfill. The project would impact 89 streams and 11 wetlands and is located within Hughes River Water Board’s drinking water protection area.
You can view the Antero NPDES Permit by visiting this link, type “WV0117579” in the box titled “Permit Number” and click “go.”
To learn more about the Antero NPDES Permit or how to submit comments, view our fact sheet. Comments are due May 11, 2017.
Monitoring for the Effects of Gas Pipelines
Guidance for Monitoring Effects of Gas Pipeline Development on Surface Water and Groundwater Supplies
This report provides information concerning risks, potential impacts, and other water supply issues related to pipeline development. It details methods for establishing baseline information on water quantity and quality, long-term monitoring to detect change, collection of data that will be needed to hold pipeline developers responsible for harm to water supplies, as well as laboratories and consultants that can conduct monitoring and perform analyses. Download it here.
West Virginia Rivers Coalition
3501 MacCorkle Ave SE #129
Charleston, WV 25304
Office: 304-637-7201