Support River Access – YES on SB 801

West Virginia’s rivers are vital to our people and state.

Our waterways provide drinking water, support wildlife habitats, and offer countless recreational opportunities. Senate Bill 801 (SB 801) is an important step toward expanding public access to these waterways in a practical and responsible way.

SB 801 requires that when new or substantially renovated bridges are constructed, river access must be included when reasonable and practicable. This common-sense approach helps ensure more people can safely enjoy West Virginia’s rivers — while respecting private property rights.

Why West Virginia Rivers Coalition Supports SB 801:

  • It expands access to our waterways, improving recreational opportunities for residents and visitors alike.
  • It encourages responsible planning to enhance outdoor access without compromising landowners’ rights.
  • It helps ensure more people can connect with and enjoy our state’s rivers safely and responsibly.

We encourage you to contact your Senators and the members of the Senate Government Organization Committee to voice your support for SB 801. Ask them to advance the bill through the committee and vote “YES” on the Senate floor.

The committee will meet soon, so please take action today to help improve public access to our cherished rivers.

For clean water & healthy communities,

WV Rivers Coalition