Protect WV State Parks and all public lands – Reject SB 711!

We just learned that Senate Bill 711 is on the Senate Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure’s agenda for Monday.

This bill removes the prohibitions against any new motorized trails in West Virginia State Parks, Forests, Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs), Rail Trails, and our other public lands.

These safeguards for our public lands were put in place through your advocacy two years ago. Now, SB 711 threatens your hard work and threatens our State Parks and other public lands. Take action for our public lands NOW!

Just image:

  • ATVs on the rim of Blackwater Falls,
  • Hunters and anglers are no longer able to enjoy Wildlife Management Areas,
  • Off-road vehicles tearing through streams and State Forests,
  • The list of damage to our WV public lands goes on and on.

Our State Parks and public lands are our sanctuaries — places where we can hike, hunt and fish, explore, and experience nature in its purest form. We cannot sacrifice these irreplaceable spaces for motorized trails and the damage caused by off-road vehicles.

We know that motorized trails are expensive to build and expensive to maintain and that off-road vehicles damage our air, water, and land. They are incompatible with our irreplaceable Parks, Forests, WMAs, and state public lands.

We need your help today. The Committee will consider a Committee Substitute on Monday, March 17. Please get in touch with members of the Senate Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and urge them to reject the Committee Substitute for SB 711 and to reject SB 711.

Let them know you value our State Parks! Thank you for standing with us to protect our gorgeous and irreplicable public lands.