Straight Piping = Dangerous Water Pollution
We know we’ve been reaching out a lot lately — and we wouldn’t do it if it weren’t important. There are a lot of bad bills coming out of this legislative session, and we need all hands on deck to continue insisting our leaders do the right thing to protect our water and public health.
A new bill that we haven’t written you about yet is HB 2181. It would weaken funding for critical sanitary sewer systems by exempting certain landowners from supporting these vital services — and the House Environment, Infrastructure, and Technology Subcommittee reported it back to full committee today.
Over 11,000 miles of West Virginia streams are affected by fecal coliform contamination, and straight piping — where raw sewage is discharged directly into waterways — is still a huge problem. Our sewer systems ensure our rivers, streams, and drinking water remain safe.
If passed, HB 2181 would force municipalities to cover costs with fewer resources, potentially driving up fees for the rest of us.
Thank you for speaking out with us.