July 2020
ReImagine Appalachia seeks greener, more economically and racially just region – Pittsburgh Business Times, 7/22/2020
Op-ed: Better alternatives to extraction industry dependence – News and Sentinel, 7/11/2020
Efforts underway to save natural gas pipeline; environmental fight looms – WOWK, 7/7/2020
June 2020
Manchin spearheads ‘Great American Outdoors Act’ – WVVA News, 6/11/2020
Great American Outdoors Act and Wildlife – Dominion Post, 6/11/2020
Manchin lauds Great American Outdoors Act as a huge step forward – MetroNews, 6/11/2020
John McCoy: Congress takes up measure to properly fund public lands – Charleston Gazette-Mail, 6/13/2020
West Virginia environmentalists criticize proposal to relax water protections – Bay Journal, 6/16/2020
Senate passes Manchin’s Great American Outdoors Act – Montgomery Herald, 6/25/2020
Millions of Americans think they’re safe from flood waters. They aren’t – USA Today, 6/29/2020
May 2020
Report of pipeline slips in West Virginia under investigation, raises concern – Roanoke Times, 5/3/2020
DEP Water Quality Standards Public Hearing – Dominion Post, 5/20/2020
West Virginia Rivers Coalition
3501 MacCorkle Ave SE #129
Charleston, WV 25304
Office: 304-637-7201