Help Keep the Focus on Sound Science and Water Protections

Many of you have been involved in our efforts to update human health protections in WV’s water quality standards. Because the WV Legislature decided to delay the updates, so that the chemical industry can do their own studies, we need your help to make sure decision-makers hear the science behind protective water quality standards, not just hear baseless claims from industrial polluters! Make a tax-deductible donation to WV Rivers Science Fund to provide decision-makes with the facts. Learn more about the Science Fund here.

We are on our way to raising the money needed to bring forward sound-science that tells us the pollution limits needed to avoid unsafe exposure to toxins and cancer-causing chemicals in our water. So far, with your donations, we’ve been able to hire two scientists to help us gain an in-depth technical understanding of how limits are calculated based on things like cancer risks, body weight and fish/water consumption.

Next, we’ll be attending various public meetings and doing our own analysis of the industry-backed studies. This work is expensive. Chemical manufacturers aren’t sparing any expenses to convince lawmakers to keep the status quo or even weaken our water quality standards. We need to raise $25,000 to provide decision-makers with the facts to make the right choices for our rivers and our health. We’ve already raised $$22,00 from donors like you, can you chip in to help us reach our goal? Every dollar helps, donate to WV Rivers Science Fund today.

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