WV Rivers Staff and Board Gather to Reflect

It has been a period of change for WV Rivers. We added two new staff members, with a third joining the team in the coming weeks. Our board has changed too, we’ve recruited new members and said goodbye to others. In early May, our staff and board gathered to reflect on our accomplishments and began planning for the future. We reaffirmed our mission to conserve and restore West Virginia’s exceptional rivers and streams, and mapped priority areas to focus our work like water quality standards, public lands advocacy, and defending streams from industrial development.

But the weekend wasn’t all work! After our Saturday board meeting, the WV Rivers crew headed over to Cheat Fest to celebrate 25-years of clean water progress for the Cheat River with our good friends and partners, Friends of the Cheat.

Next year, WV Rivers will be celebrating our 30th anniversary. We embrace opportunities to reflect on our rich history and look forward to many more years of clean water advocacy.

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