New Proposal to Limit Ohio River Pollution – Comment by 4/15

A packed public hearing on the future of ORSANCO’s role setting pollution limits for the Ohio River. 

Last year, the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO) proposed to discontinue setting pollution control standards for the Ohio River. During the proposal’s comment period, commissioners heard loud and clear from thousands of citizens that eliminating uniform pollution limits was unacceptable. Based on the public outcry they revised their proposal. Now, a new proposal is out for public comment through April 15.

In their new proposal, ORSANCO would continue to set uniform pollution control standards for the Ohio River. But implementation of the standards by the 8 Ohio River states would be voluntary. Learn more here and submit comments on ORSANCO’s proposal here.

While we applaud ORSANCO for continuing to set uniform pollution limits for the entire river, this proposal to make them voluntary threatens to unravel decades of work. By ORSANCO’s own determination, their pollution control standards are necessary for improving the health of the Ohio River.

Your voice makes a difference! We know that ORSANCO seriously considers public comments. Contact ORSANCO today, let the commissioners know that you want them to continue to set uniform pollution control standards and that adoption of their standards by states shouldn’t be optional.

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