Learn to Monitor Water Quality Along the Mountaineer Xpress Pipeline – June 30

West Virginia Rivers Coalition, Trout Unlimited and the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition will be hosting a free day-long volunteer water quality monitoring training on Saturday, June 30, from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm in Huntington, WV.

During the training, volunteers will learn to effectively monitor water quality on high priority streams along the route of the Mountaineer Xpress Pipeline.

Participants in this training must be able to assist with stream monitoring in one of the 5 counties (Roane, Kanawha, Putnam, Cabell and Wayne) where OVEC has already established monitoring sites. Directions to the training session and an agenda will be provided the week of the training. Space is limited so sign-up soon!

Registration is required. To register, contact Robin Blakeman with OVEC at 304-522-0246 or [email protected].